• О. Kakhovych Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • S. Maschenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • D. Gavrylenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: international competitiveness, enterprise competitiveness, enterprise competitiveness management, formation of competitiveness strategy, system of enterprise competitiveness management


Modern outsourcing companies need international competitiveness management, which is characterized by a high level of complexity and uncertainty. Improving the management of the competitiveness of domestic enterprises leads to the export potential of the country, which, in its turn, makes it possible to ensure its sustainable development. Managing the international competitiveness of an enterprise is a systematic knowledge of the principles, methodology and technology of forming competitive advantages and ensuring their basic activity as subjects of international economic activity. The purpose of the article is a construction of case frame by the competitiveness of modern enterprise on the basis of forming and recreation of necessary and sufficient level of international competitiveness of enterprise on the basis of principles and management mechanisms of international economic enterprise activity. A management of the international competitiveness of enterprise is the system, that combines principles, methods and technology of forming of competitive edges and providing on their basis of viability of enterprise as a participant of international economic activity. The control system of the enterprise competitiveness must to make equilibrium of connections between enterprises, and also it must create an effective internal economic mechanism and systems of enterprise management. The proposed system of enterprise competitiveness management will help enterprises to manage the processes of providing of competitive edges for its successful activity. Further researches are required by the questions of application of effective methods of competitiveness management in the modern market terms.


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How to Cite
KakhovychО., Maschenko, S., & Gavrylenko, D. (2019). MANAGEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE ON THE WORLD MARKET. Economic Scope, (141), 76-88. Retrieved from