Keywords: payment system, payment organization, operational risk, mechanism of risk management, cyber threats, information risk, cyber risk


The article examines the peculiarities and forms of manifestation of operational risks in payment systems in the conditions of increased digitalization of the payment services market. Based on the analysis of the recommendations of international financial organizations and the National Bank of Ukraine, a classification of operational risks inherent in the activity of payment systems was carried out, and four types of them were distinguished: information risk, risk of errors in management processes, cyber risk and risk of user errors. The main sources of operational risks are identified and it is proven that the vast majority of them are related to the use of new information technologies and the strengthening of cyber threats in the market of payment services. The analysis of operational risk management practices in payment systems allows to conclude that they are heterogeneous and depend on factors that expose payment organizations and payment systems to risks. The characteristics of the forms of manifestation of certain types of operational risks in payment systems are given. The main results of the potential impact of operational risks on the activity of payment systems are characterized, and a method of calculating the indicator of inherent risk is proposed, which characterizes the level of its priority for the payment organization. It is determined that the main goal of operational risk management in payment systems is to maintain the operational stability of the payment organization and ensure the continuity of the payment system. The structure and main components of the operational risk management system are characterized. A functioning scheme of the operational risk management mechanism in the payment system has been developed, the use of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of their management. A system of key indicators characterizing the limits of changes in the level of operational risk is proposed and can be used for the purpose of early detection and assessment of the potential impact of individual risk factors. The main sources of coverage of damages and losses arising as a result of implementation of operational risk events in the payment system are determined. The main sources of occurrence and features of the influence on the activity of payment systems of cyber threats are characterized. A system of measures to increase the efficiency of operational risk management based on the improvement of the technical-technological and organizational-management characteristics of the functioning of payment systems is proposed.


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How to Cite
Mishchenko, V., Naumenkova, S., & Mishchenko, S. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF OPERATIONAL RISKS IN PAYMENT SYSTEMS. Economic Scope, (183), 79-87.