Keywords: monetary system, central bank, commercial bank, cryptocurrency, central bank digital currency, regulation


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the methodological and practical aspects of regulating the processes of designing, issuing, using and circulating digital currencies of central banks. It has been proven that the process of digitalization of money is a fundamentally new objective stage in the organization of the functioning of national monetary and financial systems and the activities of central banks. Peculiarities and problems related to the regulation of the cryptocurrency market have been identified. The advantages and disadvantages of the principles and key characteristics of the design, issuance, use and circulation of digital currencies of central banks proposed by international financial organizations and central banks of individual countries of the world are characterized. It was determined that the process of regulating the issuance and circulation of digital currencies by central banks is still in its infancy and is characterized by a wide range of approaches to the implementation of regulatory activities and performance of control functions. Taking into account the global nature of digitalization of money and financial markets, the main directions of international coordination of central banks' activities in the field of introduction of uniform technical, technological, environmental and organizational approaches and standards to design, release, ensuring information confidentiality, support of financial inclusion, security and competition in the payment market have been determined in the process of using digital money with the aim of forming a political and regulatory environment agreed with all interested parties for their acceptance by society, as well as ensuring reliable mechanisms of regulation and control over the issue, use and circulation in the interests of the state and citizens. The main principles of the organization of regulation of the issue and circulation of digital currencies are characterized, the directions of improvement of the organization of interstate and national regulation of the circulation of digital currencies of central banks are substantiated with the aim of increasing the efficiency of calculations in the national economy and making cross-border payments, as well as ensuring a high level of monetary sovereignty of the country.


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