Keywords: motivation, motivation mechanism, stimulation, human resources, personnel, increase labor productivity, business structures


The article discusses the peculiarities of the formation of the mechanism of motivation and stimulation of personnel of business structures. The analysis of foreign experience of formation of mechanisms of motivation is carried out and the characteristic of the basic models of motivation of workers of foreign business structures is given. Based on a meaningful analysis of the categories of tangible and intangible incentives, the article clarifies the definition of "mechanism of motivation and incentives for staff" of business structures. Based on the analysis of the application of methods and tools of staff motivation, it is proved that the retention of employees and increase the efficiency of their work, as well as increase employee participation in the work process is provided by a combination of direct and indirect incentives. In addition, the article examines the structure of the mechanism of motivation and incentives for staff of business structures and its constituent elements. According to the results of the analysis of the peculiarities of the introduction of the mechanism of motivation and stimulation of personnel at domestic enterprises, the article improves the set of partial principles of formal and informal personnel management in the practice of motivational mechanisms of domestic entrepreneurial structures. In accordance with the objectives of the mechanism of motivation and incentives for staff of business structures, the article identifies the main measures for employers and managers to comply with each individual principle of motivation, including the principle of influence of government, compliance with the rule of control. Informal management defines the principles of trust of managers to their subordinates, the principle of mutual benefit, objective assessment of the activities of subordinates, taking into account the interests, needs and capabilities of employees. In addition, the analysis of the main methods of motivation and stimulation of staff of business structures and the sources of external and internal motivational factors are identified. It is established that motivational factors are dynamic, and their share and intensity of influence are not constant. Based on the study of external and internal motivational factors, the most effective methods of motivating and stimulating the staff of business structures are identified and their essential characteristics are given.


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How to Cite
Grynko, T., Hviniashvili, T., & Shinkarenko, A. (2021). FEATURES OF FORMATION OF MOTIVATION MECHANISM AND STIMULATION OF ENTREPRENEURIAL STRUCTURE STAFF. Economic Scope, (174), 63-68. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/174-11