Keywords: methodology and methods of economics, post-industrial era, digital economy, mathematical methods, economic and mathematical modeling, digital technologies


The article is devoted to the analysis of the directions of transformation of scientific methods of economic cognition in the post-industrial period of social development. It has been determined that the objective social reason for the need for methodological changes in economics is the transition to the digital economy. The use of digital technologies in the economic sector creates a situation of virtualization of production, market and monetary relations. The answer of economics is to improve existing and search for new tools of economic knowledge. The following areas of transformation of economic research methods have been identified by the authors: at first, the rapid development of the mathematical apparatus necessary for the study of economic processes has caused a tendency to mathematize economic research. Second, mathematical modeling becomes the leader among the most used economic methods. Mathematical models in economic research are used extremely widely. They are used to find a specific solution to economic problem, and to conduct an experimental test of the chosen solution, and to forecast trends in the further development of a large economic system or a private enterprise. The third trend is digital technologies, which allow conducting analytical research, tracking any changes in the environment, timely and flexible response to market needs. An example is Data Mining technology, which is a set of different methods of searching and analyzing data to find new, non-trivial, practically useful and interpretable knowledge needed to make decisions in various spheres of human life. Finally, the latest trend is the borrowing of methodological tools from other sciences, both the exact and the humanities. Only under the condition of a multidimensional study of economic reality, it is possible to obtain adequate to reality knowledge. These trends reveal the mathematization of economic methods, the dominant role of modeling in economic cognition, digitalization of economic research and at the same time are the most obvious signs of the transformational state of science during the transition of society to post-industrial level.


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How to Cite
Orlovska, Y., & Mashchenko, S. (1). TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH METHODS IN THE POST-INDUSTRIAL ERA. Economic Scope, (173), 88-92.