• V. Bugai Zaporizhzhia National University
  • A. Onipko Zaporizhzhia National University
Keywords: crisis, bankruptcy, lack of support, diagnostics, monitoring, development, instability, crisis situation, risky


The interpretation of the concept of "crisis" has been analyzed. The main groups of causes of crises at the enterprise Have been considered. The current state of the economy has been analyzed, factors of economic instability are revealed. The relationship between the emergence of the crisis on the macro and microeconomic levels is investigated, which will reveal the main symptoms of the crisis at the state and enterprise levels. The main stages of crisis diagnostics at the enterprise have been analyzed. The necessity of conducting diagnostics of financial condition for the prevention of crisis phenomena has been substantiated. The practical mechanism of prevention and crisis management at the enterprise is considered. Perspectives of implementation of diagnostic process at enterprises are investigated. The main stages of the diagnostic process are considered. The article notes that the earlier stage of crisis development will be detected, the easier it will be to stabilize the situation in the enterprise by introducing anti-crisis measures. The primary tasks in case of emergence of crisis phenomena at the enterprise are determined. The analysis of the influence of a deep understanding of the essence and causes of the crisis will help to avoid its negative consequences, in particular insolvency, bankruptcy. The basic methods of diagnosing a financial condition for preventing the emergence of a crisis are systematized. The reasons of financial crises are shown, and they are systematized into two groups: external and internal. The basic mechanisms of their manifestation are analyzed. It is noted that the internal and external social and economic environment is very individual and has specific features for each country, therefore it is difficult to isolate and predict these reasons enough. One of the most important components for diagnosing insolvency of the enterprise is to develop a program to break the crisis and further effective operation of the company in a market environment. Anti-crisis measures were proposed to overcome the financial crisis and overcome its consequences. The general objective of the study is to study the development of symptoms and factors of the financial crisis in the enterprise and the basic methods of diagnosing the financial condition to prevent the emergence of a crisis in modern economic conditions.


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How to Cite
Bugai, V., & Onipko, A. (2019). CHARACTERISTICS AND DIAGNOSIS OF FINANCIAL CRISIS. Economic Scope, (142), 101-111. Retrieved from