• Т. Grynko Oles Honchar Dnipro national university
  • V. Kozik Oles Honchar Dnipro national university
Keywords: innovation development, industrial enterprise, innovation economy, innovation activity, innovation, innovation process


Nowadays, the functioning of Ukrainian and world enterprises is affected by many factors that directly or indirectly affect the changing conditions in which they operate. The current conditions in which Ukrainian industrial enterprises operate are characterized by a high level of uncertainty and at least a high level of risk. Therefore, innovative development is the basis for successful enterprise development, which forms new quantitative and qualitative changes. To date, the success of this problem depends directly on the speed of formation of the model of innovative development. The role of innovative development in ensuring the efficient functioning and development of domestic enterprises in modern conditions and distinguishes the role of the state in stimulating innovative development of enterprises has been defined. The current state of innovative processes at industrial Ukrainian enterprises is analyzed and the main problems that hinder the effective implementation of the management of innovative development of the enterprise are identified. These include limited funding for enterprise innovation; the lack of a modern base for the implementation of innovative developments at domestic industrial enterprises; the presence of the phenomenon of resistance to innovation; insufficient number of qualified personnel who are able to effectively manage innovation activity in the enterprise; the state's flawed innovation policy and weak support for innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises. Innovative activity is presented a means of improving work efficiency of the enterprise, as well as achieving positive effects in the economy as a whole, in the social, environmental, scientific fields, etc. Proposals are made to solve the problems outlined, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the process of managing the innovative development of the enterprise, and therefore the creation of innovative products, processes, organizational methods, growth of innovative activity and, as a result, it will be possible to observe an improvement the quality level of life of Ukrainian population.


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