• S. Maschenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • K.V. Honcharova Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • О. Varlamova Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: global economy, system approach, modeling of socio-economic systems, macroeconomic modeling, state regulation and management


Today, the problem of improving the quality of short- and medium-term forecasting of socio - economic processes has become more urgent than ever. Classical forecasting methods based on rational expert thinking and analytical procedures often do not allow the creation of an accurate and adequate model of an economic phenomenon or process. The macroeconomic system is an interconnected system of links between the economy as a whole and its economic entities. The object of macroeconomic analysis is the economic system as a whole and its aggregate parameters. The following problems of macroeconomic policy are distinguished: ensuring the effective functioning of the economy; full employment; the minimum inflation rate; redistribution of income; ensuring sustainable economic growth of the state; regulation of macroeconomic processes of an open economy, etc. It has been substantiated that currently, the world has formed three leading planning and regulatory systems: North American (USA, Canada), Asian (Japan and South Korea), European (France and Sweden). The leader in forecasting is the United States. Forecasting in the United States is considered one of the most important forms of regulation of the economy. The main contemporary models of the dynamics of socio-economic processes and systems of different levels, theoretical principles of the construction and implementation of macroeconomic models of state policy have been researched. The possibilities of their application in studies of the global economy have been considered.


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How to Cite
Maschenko, S., Honcharova, K., & VarlamovaО. (2019). USE OF OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND MODELS IN GLOBAL ECONOMY RESEARCH. Economic Scope, (141), 229-240. Retrieved from