• V. Vasilyeva University of Customs and Finance
  • O. Konovalova University of Customs and Finance
  • K. Sicheva University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: farming, income, expenses, simple form, simplified form, software, international standards, accounting


In the conditions of development of market relations, functioning of new forms of organizational and legal formations in the agrarian sector of economy, in particular, farms, the main task of accounting and control is to provide users with reliable and timely information. Changing industrial relations in all spheres of economy, complex socio-economic problems requires a clear implementation of accounting policies. Accounting on farms involves: finding out by the farm the consequences of its selffinancing activities, justification of the calculation of tax amounts, the idea of the allocation of funds, determining the financial status of the economy, self-control and forecasting. The transition to a market economy requires farmers to significantly increase the amount of information that characterizes their business activities. External actors also have a vested interest in the performance of farms. The volume of information on the demand for manufactured products, the possibility of its sale under certain conditions and requirements, the logistics of production of these products, the main production and its innovative appeal is also increasing. Specific features of farm activities require the development of specialized accounting programs for them that can be used in dialogue and that are easily adaptable to changes in legislation. The normative base of Ukraine, which regulates the choice of the form of accounting in the farms, is analyzed. It has been proved that the choice of the form of accounting is influenced by a large number of different external and internal factors, first of all the legal form of business and the tax system chosen. The content of financial, tax and statistical reporting forms are also influenced by the choice of accounting forms. Finally, the choice of form after analyzing the information needs for managing and compiling external reporting depends on the farm manager. The definition of income and expenses, software and accounting entry in simplified and simple forms by regulatory documents and by the statements of various authors has been discussed in this article.


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How to Cite
Vasilyeva, V., Konovalova, O., & Sicheva, K. (2019). FEATURES OF ORGANIZATION OF INCOME ACCOUNTING AND EXPENSES IN FARMERS. Economic Scope, (148), 116-128. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/156