• V. Chala «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
  • K. Rybina «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Keywords: creative еconomy, creative industries, cultural industries, European Union, export promotion, economy of culture, export strategy, export


The author shows that the cultural and creative industries (hereinafter-CCI) – valuable sector of the economy, a source of economic growth, especially EU exports, profitability. The existence of a colossally branched and multilevel support for the export of CCI has been established. It is shown that in the history of the EU there are about a dozen all-Union programs to support the creative sector. Various events, a number of tools and programs to stimulate the export of products of this segment of the economy for the EU countries, European world-famous companies of the creative sector are highlighted. The structure of the export European creative industry is analyzed, the classification of export promotion strategies used by them is carried out. This analysis allows us to identify the key tools used by the EU countries to stimulate the export of creative goods and services: consulting and analytical assistance in the field of foreign trade, credit and fiscal instruments to stimulate exports, grant and infrastructure support, matching the wording of clusters and network development of creative industries in different countries. It is emphasized that today the EU countries are working very carefully to improve the tax and labor policies for the implementation of business in the creative industries; the formation of a system of interaction between the creative industries with other sectors of the economy; the creation of creative hubs that would provide communication between cultural organizations and creative industries; overcoming the communication barrier between authorities and the public; conducting permanent and objective research in the field of culture. It is considered that significant state support is directed to the creative economy in the EU, which is manifested through procurement activity, implementation of financial and tax benefits, subsidies and promotion of employment in this sector. An analysis of selected us export strategies for creative industries in EU countries allows you to define a number of tools that are commonly used to promote exports of products in this segment of the economy.


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How to Cite
Chala, V., & Rybina, K. (2019). STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING THE EXPORT OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES TO EU COUNTRIES. Economic Scope, (147), 64-75. Retrieved from