Keywords: financial sector, financial institutions, information resources, reporting, regulation, supervision, digital technologies


The article examines the peculiarities of the processes of organizing regulation and supervision of the activities of institutions of the financial sector with the help of modern information, communication and digital technologies, an analysis of the practice of digital transformations in the financial sector based on the use of digital channels of financial customer service is carried out, the factors, conditions and problems preventing the introduction of new supervisory and regulatory technologies in Ukraine are identified. It is proven that the development of digital technologies in the financial sector has formed a fundamentally new approach to the interaction of financial institutions, consumers of financial services and regulators based on the creation and functioning of digital ecosystems. The factors that determine the need for the development and use of new supervisory and regulatory technologies and mechanisms are characterized, the main ones of which are the activation of the processes of digital transformation of the financial sector, the creation of digital financial institutions, the introduction of digital lending models, the transfer of certain types of activities to cloud services and the strengthening of interaction with decentralized financial markets. The conditions, advantages and disadvantages of using the complex of Suptech and Regtech digital technologies are determined, as well as the main results of their implementation for regulators and financial institutions, taking into account the prospects of further digitization of the financial sector. It has been proven that the main advantages of using Suptech and Regtech technologies are ensuring a high level of consolidation of information resources and effective digital interaction between regulators and financial institutions, simplifying the implementation of regulatory requirements, reducing administrative costs for their compliance, expanding the scope of supervision, simplifying the processes of preparation and reporting, increasing the effectiveness of risk monitoring and management. Recommendations for the introduction of new regulatory and supervisory technologies in the financial sector have been developed, a structural and logical scheme for the organization of regulation and supervision of the activities of financial institutions based on Regtech and Suptech technologies has been proposed, and the main areas of improvement of regulatory and supervisory mechanisms based on the use of such modern digital technologies have been identified as artificial intelligence, Big Data, cloud computing and machine learning in order to ensure the efficient and stable functioning and development of the financial sector of Ukraine.


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