Keywords: innovative development, business organizations, management of innovative development, innovative partnership, digital economy


The article discusses the features of innovative development of business structures in modern changing environment. After all, the transformational effects of the introduction of information and telecommunications technologies, which extend to all areas of socio-economic activity, necessitate a radical revision of the principles of management of innovative development of the national economy. Entrepreneurs who focus on the latest products and services, continuous and stable implementation of technologies, product renewal policies, organization of production in order to strengthen their competitiveness in the market in the selected segment, must set appropriate priorities for innovation and development. According to the results of the analysis of the main indicators of innovative development of domestic business structures, it is determined that the implementation and development of innovations in the enterprise is directly proportional to the invested funds, stable target revenues and well-formed strategy. The article considers and analyzes the main state tools to support and stimulate innovation of domestic business structures. Based on the results of the study of the peculiarities of the functioning of the national innovation system and mechanisms of knowledge transfer, the article presents the scheme of innovation partnership, which would ensure the effective functioning of the national innovation system. In addition, the article proposes a structural and logical model of the management system of innovative development of business structures, which provides support for continuous targeted innovation, has a cyclical form of operation and takes into account at all stages mechanisms of control, adjustment, adjustment of innovation processes using both internal and external innovation resources. The prospects of innovative development of domestic business structures are outlined in this work too.


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How to Cite
Grynko, T., Hviniashvili, T., & Moroka, D. (2021). FEATURES AND PRIORITIES OF ENTREPRENEURIAL STRUCTURES’ INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN MODERN CHANGING CONDITIONS. Economic Scope, (175), 52-58. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/175-10