Keywords: cyber sport, video game, mechanism, shared digital product, income


Cybersport in Ukraine has shifted from the animation plane to the sphere of electronic sport, oriented towards recognized cybersports disciplines, which are separate video games. At the same time, the competition and the process of playing such video games should be considered as a common digital product or their mix, forming the need to form system connections between participants, they are produced. The identified issues determined the focus of the outlined study on the identification of features of the mechanism of formation of system connections of participants of the production of products for cybersport. In order to realize such a direction, the identification of prerequisites of formation of specific connections of participants of production of products of cybersport and processes of formation of contacts of participants of production of products of cybersport through the prism of mechanism in an economy is presented. In addition, the study will describe the characteristics of the mechanism in the economy and its effects on economic agents. According to the content of the mechanism of formation of connections of participants of cybersport, product manufacturing it is stated that «mechanism in the economy» should be considered as a set of elements, which produce diverse influences of these actors on the development and functioning of the production of cybersports products. At the same time, elements of influence on the formation of systemic ties of participants of cybersport product manufacturing are means of production; technical-economic relations; organizational-economic relations; club production relations. The mechanism involves the development of an impact and aims at the gradual integration of actors involved in the production of joint digital products of cybersport into the integrated structures of cybersports clubs. Prospects for further research in this area include laying the groundwork for the integrated development of cybersports clubs and systematizing methodological approaches to assessing the sustainability of integrated development of cybersports clubs.


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How to Cite
Maslihan, R., Hoblyk, V., & Maslihan, O. (2021). FEATURES OF THE MECHANISM FOR FORMING SYSTEMIC TIES AMONG PARTICIPANTS IN THE PRODUCTION OF CYBERSPORTS PRODUCTS. Economic Scope, (174), 35-38. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/174-6