• A. Sierikov Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • I. Koval Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: modern Ukrainian repertory theater, organizational culture, entrepreneurship, nonlinear differential equations, bifurcation diagram


The article is devoted to the construction of a ‘conceptual frame’ for a model of the modern Ukrainian repertory theater as a socio-economic system, based on well-known results of sociology, biology, systems theory, and mathematics. It has been taken into account that the theater, on the one hand, is a public socio-cultural institution intended to educate, cultivate, communicate, and move people forward to a new level of development. On the other hand, the theater also functions as a legitimately recognized business entity, acting as an infrastructure component – creating jobs, paying taxes, supporting restaurant-hotel-tourist and other businesses that provide various related services, and so on. Since the contemporary Ukrainian repertory theater, being an entity engaged in economic activity, represents a dynamic system, the article provides its mathematical description as a system of nonlinear differential equations of the first order. In these equations, the dominant factors-unknown variables are the economic, organizational, mental, and societal components of the theater’s internal environment. All of these components interact with the relevant institutions in the theater’s external environment. The formalized description includes a management parameter called ‘innovativeness’, which reflects a complex of personal characteristics of the theater management and their circle of assistants. Analysis of the behavior of the socioeconomic model of the theater is simplified considerably under the assumption that among the factors-unknown variables, the economic and organizational components are most sensitive for the integral results of the theater activity. In these conditions, it is sufficient to leave only two relevant equations. This allows us to prove quite rigorously that it is organizational culture and labor mentality in which there should be room for such a human quality as entrepreneurship or ability to innovate that are a comprehensive, dominant factor in the growth and development of the theater.


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How to Cite
Sierikov, A., & Koval, I. (2019). ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH OF MODERN REPERTORY THEATER AS SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (144), 180-193. Retrieved from