Keywords: management accounting, principles of management accounting, composition of the principles of management accounting, number of principles of management accounting, literary sources, basic principles, specific principles, global principles of management accounting


The principles create a certain structure, which is provided for in the organization, system setup, and management accounting. Therefore, compliance with the principles of management accounting is unquestionable in its establishment at the enterprise, and the study of their optimal composition is urgent. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the composition and number of basic, specific, and global principles of management accounting in various literary sources. The research methodology was based on general scientific methods: systemic, logical, historical methods, method of analysis, induction, deduction, as well as using the methods of classification and grouping. According to the results of the study, it is found that there are basic, special, and global principles of management accounting. At present, there is no single conventional and generally accepted approach to the composition and quantity of basic and special principles. Regarding the global principles of management accounting developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), there are four principles (impact, relevance, value, trust). We have summarized 73 principles of management accounting, of which the vast majority (47 principles) are presented in only one literary source. Most literature sources reflect the following principles: evaluation of the performance of structural units of the enterprise; orientation of accounting to achieve strategic goals of the enterprise; effectiveness. The largest number of principles of management accounting, which are identified in the literature, is 20; the smallest number is 5; the vast majority of authors cite 7-8 principles. It is proved that the existing diversity of views of scientists on the principles of management accounting (in some cases, they are the same in name but different in content; in other cases, they are similar in content but different in the name; also, there is an artificial increase in their number when dissipating the content, etc.) leads to vagueness and confusion in their composition, quantity, and content. Although the global principles of management accounting are of a recommendatory nature nowadays, the obligation to use them seems to us relevant and appropriate. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the content of the principles of management accounting, determining their optimal composition and quantity for the effective construction of management accounting in enterprises of various sectors of the economy, taking into account the peculiarities of their operation.


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