Keywords: effectiveness, performance, performance indicators, quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators, housing cooperatives, housing co-op, globalization


The article considers the performance indicators of the housing cooperatives in Ukraine in the context of globalization. It is proved that the welfare of its residents and co-owners, further development of the house and the rational use of adjacent territories depend on the quality of housing cooperatives, which indicates the effectiveness of its activities. The aim of the article is to study the essence of efficiency for housing cooperatives and to develop proposals to improve the efficiency of their activities in the context of globalization processes in Ukraine. The methodological principles of the study are the fundamental provisions of the theory of efficiency and management. To solve the tasks, a set of general scientific and special research methods was used: comparison, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, which ensured the use of a systematic approach to assessing the effectiveness of housing cooperatives. Methods of grouping, comparing and scientific generalization were used to analyze scientific achievements on the problems of defining the concept of "efficiency" and developing proposals to improve the efficiency of housing cooperatives. The graphical method was used to visualize the results of the study. The theoretical significance of the obtained results of the study is as follows: it is proved that housing cooperatives belong to the subjects of social entrepreneurship, as it has not only the status of non-profitability, but also ensures the achievement of socio-economic goals of homeowners in meeting their social needs and improving the quality of life; the essence of the concept of "efficiency" is considered as its manifestation not only in quantitative indicators, but also in qualitative ones, since they more fully characterize the purpose of creation and operation of housing cooperatives; a set of quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of housing cooperatives has been developed to meet the needs of citizens. The practical significance of the results obtained is that this material can be used by housing cooperatives of different types, forms of ownership and legal status in assessing the effectiveness of their activities both quantitatively and qualitatively.


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How to Cite
Puhachenko, O., & Fomina, T. (2022). EFFECTIVENESS OF HOUSING COOPERATIVES IN UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION. Economic Scope, (181), 218-223. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/181-39