Keywords: anti-crisis management, crisis, low touch economy, analysis of financial condition, mechanism of anti-crisis management


The crisis events and processes that resulted from the COVID-2019 pandemic are one of the most important problems for today's economy. The article is not limited to classical concepts, but contains many new and modern, in particular, the paper attempts to form a mechanism of crisis management of the enterprise in a new phenomenon and concept – low touch economy. The object of the article is the process of impact of crisis phenomena on the financial and economic condition of the enterprise. The subject of the article is the mechanism of crisis management of the enterprise in the economy of minimal contact, as an effective way to overcome financial and economic problems. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations and effective measures to prevent and overcome the main consequences of crisis phenomena and processes. In the process of performing research the following general scientific and special research methods were used, in particular: analysis, synthesis, comparison, system approach, factor analysis. An element of the scientific novelty of the work is the formation of the mechanism of crisis management of the enterprise in the economy of minimal contact and the development of a modified DuPont model on the impact of a number of factors on sales profitability. Objectives of the study: explore the essence of the low touch economy; analyze the impact of the pandemic on the economy of Ukraine; identify the main trends in the impact of crisis phenomena in the economy; choose an industry that needs urgent attention and influence; to study the industry and its enterprises and identify crisis phenomena; to investigate crisis phenomena and to consider the anti-crisis mechanism for their overcoming; to offer a set of basic anti-crisis measures to overcome the main problems of the industry and its enterprises and the consequences of working in extreme conditions. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the proposal to implement a number of recommendations and measures for effective overcoming and future prevention of anti-crisis processes and the consequences of their impact on the economy.


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How to Cite
Akhnovska, I., & Panasiuk, P. (2021). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE LOW TOUCH ECONOMY. Economic Scope, (166), 42-47.