• V. Bugai Zaporizhzhia National University
  • E. Riezanov Zaporizhzhia National University
Keywords: financial stability, efficiency, financial resources, factors affecting financial stability, enterprise, instability, solvency


The general economic condition of the Ukrainian economy has been considered. The economic essence of the concept "financial stability of the enterprise" has been investigated. The importance of maintaining financial stability at enterprises as a prerequisite for ensuring its competitive advantages is determined. The methodical bases of estimation of financial stability of enterprises are generalized. The effect of financial sustainability on the activity of enterprises is shown. The general state of activity of the enterprises of the machine-building industry is analyzed. The reasons of low level of profitability of enterprises are revealed. The indicators of their financial stability are investigated. The basic principles of methods of analysis and estimation of financial stability of the enterprises and their adequacy to the modern economic conditions are analyzed. An objective assessment of the financial sustainability of an enterprise as the basis of its viability, which is an important informational source for substantiation and the adoption of an optimal managerial decision regarding the subject of economic activity, are carried out. The structure of balance of machine-building enterprises is investigated. The necessity of using the analysis of financial stability of the enterprise is substantiated. The influence of financial stability on the competitiveness of enterprises is revealed. The main groups of factors influencing the financial stability of the enterprise are found out. The reasons for the unstable financial situation are established. On the basis of the studied literature, an analysis of absolute and relative indicators of financial stability was conducted. The negative tendencies of development of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine are investigated. A number of indicators were proposed, on the basis of which the stability of machine-building enterprises was analyzed. Economic representation of the current state of the enterprise and weaknesses in the enterprise activity by calculation of financial indicators is given. Measures to achieve a sufficient level of financial sustainability are identified. There are ways to save and improve financial sustainability. It is substantiated that economic stability of an enterprise should be considered as a dynamic characteristic of its activity, which holistically characterizes the stability of the enterprise both in the functioning and in its development.


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How to Cite
Bugai, V., & Riezanov, E. (2019). MAIN DIRECTIONS OF PROTECTION OF FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE TERMS OF CRISIS. Economic Scope, (142), 112-122. Retrieved from