• Yu. Orlovskaya Pridniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • S. Morozova Pridniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: center-periphery, innovation development, European countries, clusterization


The article describes a clustering of EU member states within the framework of center-periphery relations, which takes into account the conditions of innovative development of these countries, carried out in order to substantiate the mechanisms and tools that are of importance for improving the parameters of innovation development in the Ukrainian economy. It is determined that in the "bundle" of technological processes and diffusion of innovations, the essence and processes of internal dynamics of the center-peripheral model are discussed most often and effectively. This made it possible to conclude that innovative development is triggering chained changes in all subsystems of the economic system. The hypothesis concerning the specificity of innovation development in the EU countries, in particular its hierarchical structure, is formulated and confirmed by using the author's system of indicators that determine the conditions for the innovative development of economic systems and the mathematical apparatus of artificial intelligence. As a result of clusterization, 6 clusters were obtained, defined according to the level of innovative development of related countries - the Zero, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth cluster. The modern center-peripheral structure of the European space is described in the context of innovation development; in this structure, the core (nucleus) is represented by the Zero and First cluster, the less innovative periphery is constituted by the countries of the Fifth cluster, and the countries of the Second, Third and Fourth clusters are semi-peripheries. It is proposed to further develop and substantiate the development strategy of Ukraine within the context of a cluster of similar countries (Fifth cluster), with a compulsory condition that Ukraine should transition into the fourth cluster, which is characterized by higher GDP.


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How to Cite
Orlovskaya, Y., & Morozova, S. (2018). CLUSTERIZATION OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES BASED ON THE LEVEL OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (137), 17-32. Retrieved from