• Yu. Orlovska Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • О. Kakhovych Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • O. Kvaktun Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: information needs, information society, information security, information policy, public administration in the information society


The purpose of the article is to determine the basic principles and directions of public administration implementation on the basis of research of qualitative characteristics of the information society. The problems of effective formation and implementation of the state policy of development of the information society, the lack of a well-established mechanism of public administration in the information sphere threaten national security and make it impossible for Ukraine to participate in the world information space. The development of the information society places new demands on public administration as the information sphere is a source of threats and dangers to national security. The features of the information society, the directions of development of the information society, threats to national interests and national security in the information sphere have been identified in the article. The development of a modern society, in which the level of informatization and the share of employees in the information sphere is constantly increasing, shows that practically every person receives, transmits and uses information. Using information and communication technologies requires state regulation. Directions and principles of the state information policy have been defined in the article. It has been stated that the main subjects of the implementation of state policy in the field of information security, within the limits of their powers and tasks, are: Security Service of Ukraine; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine; Ministry of Defence of Ukraine; External Intelligence Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, State Agency for Electronic Governance of Ukraine. State policy in the field of information society development should focus on satisfying and protecting the interests and needs of the citizen, business and state in the information sphere. The processes of production, consumption, dissemination and development of public strategic content and information should be carried out in the interests of society and the state. It has been stated that cybernetic, telecommunication and other automated computer systems, which form the basis of the national information space, need a perfect security system. In order to ensure effective participation of Ukraine in the global information space, further research requires mechanisms and specific instruments of state governance for the development of the information society.


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How to Cite
Orlovska, Y., KakhovychО., & Kvaktun, O. (2019). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (147), 103-114. Retrieved from