Keywords: scaling, marketing department, marketing technologies, product and service sales


In the conditions of active development of digital technologies and increased competition for consumers' spending, domestic industrial marketing has essentially shifted its focus towards qualitatively new tools and technologies to achieve marketing goals in the industrial sector. Under these conditions, it goes through a series of specific transformations, gradually evolving into a quite flexible system that uses adjusted strategies, reactive methods, and variable approaches to promote and sell products and services in the industrial market. Therefore, the article aims to study the nature and content of modern transformations in industrial marketing models in Ukraine. The research results highlight the fact that the contemporary transformations in industrial marketing models in Ukraine are characterized by the nature of change that emphasizes adjusted strategies, reactive methods, and adaptable approaches to meet the evolving demands of consumers, competitive pressures, and technological possibilities. These transformations exhibit the following features: gradual hybridization of marketing methods and technologies by combining their traditional forms with innovative ones; an increase in the scalability of the internal marketing department; enhancing the strategic flexibility of marketing by developing the capability for automatic change generation, adapting marketing strategies swiftly to new market conditions and opportunities.


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How to Cite
Zhukov, S., Kulinich, T., & Nahorna, O. (2023). MODERN TRANSFORMATIONS OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MODELS IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (188), 95-100.