Keywords: competence structure, life cycle, development, competence, organization


The intensification of integration processes in Ukraine has changed the conditions for the functioning of modern organizations. Today, planning their activities requires taking into account the laws governing the chosen method of its implementation and the business processes that will be used. Implementation of actions, in addition to a set of necessary individual knowledge, cognitive and practical skills, employees' skills for conscious choice of operations, their correct execution and achievement of a specific goal, requires a rational organizational structure, effective internal and external communications, information databases and modern software for their analysis, organizational technologies for making optimal management decisions. That is, the elements that form an organization's competence can become a source of its competitiveness and uniqueness compared to competitors. This highlights the issue of the structure of the organizational competence, its components and the connections between them, as they do not exist in isolation from each other, but are closely interconnected. The purpose of the article is to define the essence of the concept of "competence structure" and to substantiate the need for its transformation by stages of the organization's life cycle. To achieve this goal, the article uses the methods of morphological analysis, scientific induction and deduction; dialectical method; system analysis and synthesis; content analysis, logical analysis and theoretical generalization. The practical value of the article lies in clarifying the concept of "competence structure" and justifying the need for its transformation, taking into account the actual position of the organization on the curve of its life cycle. This will allow managers to ensure the effective functioning and harmonious development of the organization, create its unique competitive advantages based on the best use of human potential and other organizational resources by setting management priorities in the context of various activities at each stage of the life cycle.


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