• O. Shyrokopoyas Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
Keywords: educational institutions, analysis, expenditures, consolidated budget, sources of financing, financial resources


The sources of funding for higher education institutions have been explored in the article. It has been established that the main task of expenditures is to provide higher education institutions with their main activity. In order to objectively evaluate the appropriateness of the allocation of financial resources, the trend of changes in the number of institutions of higher education and the analysis of budget expenditures on education were followed. The analysis showed that a large share of all funds is spent on local budget expenditures. The number of students of higher education institutions depending on the sources of funding for education have been analyzed in the article. It has been found that there is a direct correlation between the amount of spending and the number of students enrolled in higher education. It is worth noting that the decrease in funding not only reduces the number of students, but also contributes to the closure of higher education institutions. It is established that the decrease in financing is directly related to changes in the financial and economic state of the country's economy. This situation allows us to determine that budget financing alone is not sufficient for the development of the educational sector and necessitates the search for alternative sources of financial resources to promote the development of higher education institutions and the whole educational space as a whole. The study of the number of students in universities of III - IV levels of accreditation, depending on the sources of funding, showed that the largest proportion of students study at the expense of individuals. The next highest rating is budget financing, followed by financing from local budgets, least of all - financing by state authorities and legal entities. The analysis of statistical information has shown that in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the amount of financial costs for the development of education in general and all higher education institutions. The admission of students to higher education institutions for the initial cycle by funding sources has been analyzed. It is established that revision of funding and redistribution of financial flows will allow to receive a considerable quantity of qualitative structure among entrants to institutions of higher education, will stop rates of reduction of number of students and number of educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Shyrokopoyas, O. (2019). DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF BUDGETARY FUNDS TO STATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Economic Scope, (146), 176-192. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/130