Keywords: international business, digital economy, economic security, cyber threats, global cyber security, information infrastructure


The purpose of the study is to develop mechanisms and tools for strengthening cybersecurity and maintaining the growth of the IT sector of Ukraine based on the study of global experience in preventing cyberthreats and post-shock recovery of economic systems, determining the contribution and potential of Ukraine in the field of ensuring global information security. The methodological basis of the work includes fundamental provisions of theories and concepts of the development of digital economy, conceptual approaches to ensuring global cybersecurity. The article establishes that Ukraine is a promising player in the world market of information technologies due to the availability of highly qualified personnel. It's emphasized that the Ukrainian IT sector remains the most profitable and is one of the few that can continue to support the national economy; however, the development of critical information infrastructure becomes a special priority for Ukraine in war conditions. Research results can be used for scientific substantiation and further creation of appropriate conditions for the development of the digital economy.


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How to Cite
Myronchenko, D., & Sydorenko, K. (2023). ROLE OF THE IT-SECTOR OF UKRAINE IN THE GLOBAL CYBER SECURITY SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (186), 13-07.