Keywords: marketing pricing, psychological pricing techniques, consumer behavior


The psychological aspects of consumer behavior were studied, taking into account the influence of the principles of marketing pricing. Various types of consumer behavior on the market and factors affecting it during the purchase of goods are considered. It is noted that the importance of price as a factor in making a purchase decision among consumers is quite high. In the perception of a significant share of consumers, price is an indicator of the quality of a product or service. The higher the buyer's income level, the more often he believes that price is directly related to quality. The considered features of the attitude of consumers to changes in the price level indicate that, depending on the nature of needs, the goals of purchasing products, the motivation of behavior, the level of supply and the influence of other factors, their behavior on the market may manifest itself in different ways. However, there is a certain sequence in these actions, which requires a study of the nature of its manifestation of actions in the process of making a decision by the consumer regarding the purchase of the product and its further implementation. Coordination of the general offer of the enterprise with the requirements of buyers for the quality of goods and their prices is the basis of its success in the sale of products. Taking this into account, the algorithm for forming a consumer's purchase decision when the company's price level changes has been improved. When adjusting the price level, special attention should be given to determining the degree of consumer satisfaction with the company's products, to studying the dynamics and forecasting the level of market prices for similar types of products, to studying competition trends in the market, to analyzing the dynamics of product sales volumes and profits. At the same time, it should focus on ensuring competitive advantages in the market with the help of a new price. The main psychological methods of marketing pricing are described. It is noted that in order to achieve higher efficiency, enterprises need to combine pricing methods, applying a complex situational approach.


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How to Cite
Diadyk, T., Danylenko, V., & Reshetnikova, O. (2023). FEATURES OF MARKETING PRICING DURING FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE MILITARY STATE. Economic Scope, (184), 74-78. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/184-12