Keywords: marketing pricing, foreign economic activity, prices, export, import


The dynamics of export and import volumes of goods and services of Ukraine for the period 2011-2021 were analyzed. The structural features of Ukraine's foreign trade in 2022 were studied. Ukraine imported the most goods from such countries as China, Poland and Germany. The main imported goods were: machines, equipment and transport; fuel and energy products; products of the chemical industry. Most Ukrainian exports went to such countries as Poland, Romania and Turkey. The top three most exported product categories include: food products; metals and their products; machines, equipment and transport. Factors affecting the process of marketing pricing in the implementation of foreign economic activity are systematized. It was found that one of the main problems faced by enterprises as subjects of foreign trade in their activities with foreign counterparties is the lack of an effective system of stimulating foreign buyers as an element of the price strategy of foreign economic activity. Another problem is the gradual loss of effectiveness of the strategic tools used to form export prices during foreign economic operations. It is proposed to introduce a system of discounts to improve the efficiency of foreign economic activity. Thanks to an effectively developed system of discounts, it is possible to achieve additional benefits for the enterprise; advantages over competitors; image enhancement; stimulation of product sales, i.e. support of demand. It is noted that modern business entities do not have sufficiently effective practical and methodical approaches to the process of creating prices in the long term. It was found that the most popular method of pricing in the practice of domestic enterprises is the cost method. However, such an approach to the implementation of strategic marketing tasks and an incorrectly applied price mechanism quite often causes the company to lose its share of the competitive market. In order to overcome the mentioned problems, as well as to increase the efficiency of foreign exchange, domestic companies are suggested to use a combined method of pricing, which will make it possible to take into account most of the price-forming factors of the internal and external environment.


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How to Cite
Danylenko, V., & Diadyk, T. (2022). FEATURES OF MARKETING PRICING DURING FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE MILITARY STATE. Economic Scope, (181), 55-59. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/181-9