• К. Dryhola Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • O. Verteletskaya Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • V. Boykoч Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: agro-industrial complex, agriculture, structure of agricultural production, agricultural market, trade in agricultural products


The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in the context of entering the international market has been analyzed. The dynamics of the acreage of Ukraine of the main crops: grain and legumes, technical sugar beet, sunflower, potatoes, vegetable crops; number of farm animals: cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry; level of profitability of agricultural production for the period 1990-2018 have been estimated. The grouping of Ukrainian enterprises by the number of farm animals is systematized: the largest number of enterprises specializing in cattle, the smallest - in poultry; by size of the area of the main crops: the largest number of enterprises specializing in growing cereals and legumes, the smallest - soybeans. The conclusion is made about the higher efficiency of crop production in relation to animal husbandry in Ukraine according to a number of given indicators. The volumes of crop production have been shown: cereals and legumes, wheat, corn, barley, sunflower, soybeans, by region of Ukraine in 2018. The most important agricultural production in Ukraine is grain and legumes, the main producers of which are Poltava, Vinnitsia and Odessa regions. The main indicators of international activity of Ukraine in the field of agriculture have been analyzed: commodity structure of export and import of crop production; commodity structure of export and import of livestock products; dynamics of the geographical structure of exports and imports of agricultural products. The above figures show that the largest share of exports is in cereals, seeds and fruits of oilseeds and edible fruits and nuts, while the major share of imports is in the seeds and fruits of oilseeds, edible fruits and nuts, cereals. In the livestock sector, exports of meat and edible by-products, milk and live animals account for the bulk of imports, while fish and crustaceans, meat and edible by-products and milk account for the bulk of imports. The key product that shape Ukraine's export potential is cereal, which means that the export base consists of low-processing products that generate low added value. On the basis of the conducted research three main directions of development of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in the context of entering the international market were identified: development of trade relations with EU countries; the need to intensify cooperation with countries in the North African region and Central Asia; specialization in crop production, primarily grain, while overcoming the crisis in the livestock sector.


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How to Cite
DryholaК., Verteletskaya, O., & BoykoчV. (2019). AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF ENTERING THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET. Economic Scope, (146), 5-19. Retrieved from