• Valentina Oglih Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • Valentina Volkova Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • Oleksii Shapovalov University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: macroeconomics, model, dynamics, equilibrium, economic agents


The purpose of the study is to find Ukraine's way out of the socio-economic crisis and to form a development strategy based on economic and mathematical modeling using macroeconomic DSGE models (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium).The contradictions facing public administration have intensified against the background of quarantine measures against the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic and political contradictions of the macrosystem of Ukraine are revealed.The state must minimize the negative economic implications of restrictions on social and economic activity. The emphasis on the peculiarities of the economic, political and social situation in Ukraine is made. It is shown that conducting generally accepted measures to improve the situation and forming a strategic direction of development faces opposition. The solution to the problem is appropriate to obtain on the basis of economic and mathematical modeling and solving a dynamic stochastic multicriteria problem of conditional optimization with many variables. It is proposed to apply tools for macroeconomic dynamic stochastic models of general equilibrium (DSGE). The language of mathematics this means that before the countries there is a dynamic multicriteria problem of conditional optimization with many variables. The prospects for using DSGE models to form a country's development strategy are considered in detail. The theoretical foundations of these models are the integration of neo-Keynesian and neoclassical approaches. It is shown that DSGE models allow you to combine macroeconomic policy of the state with the opposite interests of diverse groups of economic agents. The advantages and disadvantages of the benefits of dynamic stochastic models of general equilibrium are shown. DSGE models can be used for retrospective analysis, forecasting the future and finding out factors of such events, EX ANTE scenario analysis. It is possible to apply them to simulate stochastic price, technological, monetary, etc. "shocks". The country will be able to solve the decision-making problem in conditions of uncertainty and choose its optimal development and crisis strategy.


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How to Cite
Oglih, V., Volkova, V., & Shapovalov, O. (2021). PROSPECTS OF APPLICATION OF DSGE-MODELS FOR FORMATION OF THE COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY. Economic Scope, (175), 126-129.