Keywords: leadership, leadership qualities, leadership competencies, organizational behavior, model of leadership qualities


The article presents the concepts of analysis of the phenomenon of leadership and leadership competencies, which are reflected in modern scientific foreign literature. The object of the research was a model of leadership and leadership competencies, based on research in the 6 most developed countries, to identify effective and most popular leadership qualities. 25 leadership competencies were selected and the number of references to leadership competencies over the past ten years was investigated. Relevant leadership theory literature has been analyzed using Google Scholar over the past ten years. The results of the study showed that there is great interest in the selected 25 leadership competencies that can be applied in any field of activity.There are many different meanings of leadership. Researchers usually define leadership according to their individual point of view and the aspect of the phenomenon that interests them most. Today it is recommended to try to study the leadership competencies identified in important areas in order to develop a model that will be scientifically substantiated and used in training programs. The proposed scientific hypothesis is based on the fact that 25 randomly selected leadership competencies are reliable, universal and can be used in any field of activity. Further research should be aimed at reproducing, expanding and confirming real results.The purpose of the article is to study the phenomenon of leadership as a mechanism for managing organizational behavior, which was achieved by solving the following tasks: generalization of leadership competencies, confirmation of the use of leadership competencies, clarification of the leadership qualities of an effective leader, confirmed interest in randomly selected leadership qualities. These 25 competencies can be applied in any field of activity.The goal of researching the phenomenon of leadership as a mechanism for managing organizational behavior by solving certain problems was achieved. Further research in the field of the phenomenon of leadership should be aimed at replicating, expanding and confirming real results. Meanwhile, the presented model can be used for training and further study of leadership competencies in any field of activity.


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