Keywords: decentralization, methodology, theory of separation of powers, scientific management, system approach


The article is devoted to the disclosure of theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of decentralization. The history of the formation of the concept of decentralization is analyzed through the disclosures of the main scientific works. The criterion for distinguishing the historical framework is the content of the defining characteristics of decentralization proposed by theoretical constructions in certain periods. The history of the formation and development of the theory of decentralization is considered as a chronological sequence of three stages: political, administrative and economic. The political stage begins in the early nineteenth century and lasts until 1918. Within this framework decentralization is understood as a principle of organization of power within the country and an important factor in the democratization of society. The methodological basis is the theory of separation of powers. The second stage has the boundaries of 1918 and the late 60’s of the twentieth century. Decentralization is seen as a rational and effective algorithm for public administration. The United States is becoming the geographical center for the development of the theory of decentralization. This period is characterized by a focus on strengthening the role of the state in public administration and the corresponding advantage of centralization over decentralization. The third stage began in the 60s of the twentieth century and it continues to this day. The decentralization is understood primarily in terms of material and financial support for the effective redistribution of power between the central and local levels and the search for specific economic models of this provision. It is concluded that only fiscal independence makes local authorities truly independent of the center.


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