Keywords: industrial park, strategic development, experience of Poland, park model, Triple Helix model


The paper presents the operations and functional models of industrial parks as important components of territorial development in Poland, in particular the development of rural areas. It includes the data on the number of industrial parks in Poland. It also reviews the literature related to this topic. The aim and the objectives of this study are to analyze the most efficient functional models of industrial parks in Poland, in particular those located in the border region (Lublin voivodeship). We believe that their experience is the most appropriate for implementation in Ukrainian realities. Industrial parks are presented as a form of cooperation under fair competition. The paper identifies their place in regional development policy. It is worth noting that this cooperation is the most efficient when it is limited to the regional level. Its purpose is to coordinate the activities of economic, political, and academic regional interest groups. The paper reviews the influence of industrial parks on the competitiveness of the regional economy. It also identifies the prerequisites of their successful development. The examples of different models of industrial parks that operate in Poland are presented. The successful example of the Lublin Science and Technology Park, established in 2005 in the Lublin Voivodeship (Poland), is reviewed in detail. Its model is exceptional and relevant for Ukraine. Most industrial parks in Poland were founded by central government institutions. However, the park chosen for analysis was founded by the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and the self-government of the Lublin Voivodeship and the relationship between the partners was more balanced than in other industrial parks in Poland. The establishment and functioning of industrial parks have become of particular importance in Ukraine after the decentralization reform since most new hromadas (territorial communities) are not self-sustaining yet. However, the key purpose of all industrial parks, regardless of the name and profile, is to obtain innovative solutions that could have a positive impact on local and regional development in the longer run. The Triple Helix model is proposed to discuss the efficiency of industrial park operations. It describes the relationship between key institutions (participants) through the prism of stimulating economic development. The key aspect of the model is that the cooperation of businesses, academic circles, and public administration will promote the growth of innovations, entrepreneurship, and, in the long run, improve the standard of living in a region.


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How to Cite
Yermakov, O., & Kostetska, I. (2021). THE ROLE OF INDUSTRIAL PARKS FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES. Economic Scope, (174), 90-94.