Keywords: green economy, sustainable development, green growth, intellectual content, intellectual economy, intellectualization, decoupling


The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence of the intellectual content of green growth in the framework of the global course of mankind for sustainable development. The gradual transition in scientific works from information economy and knowledge economy to intellectual economy, which is characterized by directing human intellectual activity to environmentally friendly activities aimed at achieving global goals of sustainable development, has been analyzed. It has been noted that the intellectual economy is the foundation of green growth and the importance of knowledge, skills, theoretical and practical competencies, creativity, which act as a driver of development of green sectors of the economy has been highlighted. It has been determined that there are nine types of human capital, of which the intellectual plays a leading role at the present stage of development of socio-economic processes. In the conditions of building a green economy, capital acquires green features, which is manifested through green intellectual capital, the main components of which are green human capital, green organizational capital and green relational capital. The interaction of green human and green organizational capital forms green relational capital, which is expressed in the form of green jobs, inclusiveness and gender equality. It has been noted that in the long run the development of green intellectual capital leads to the effect of decoupling, which is manifested in the gap between indicators of economic prosperity and environmental degradation. That is why strategies for the development of green intellectual capital should be the basis for the development of countries around the world to achieve global goals of sustainable development in terms of green growth.


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How to Cite
Dryhola, K., Khlivitskaya, A., & Vydai, D. (2021). INTELLECTUAL CONTENT OF GREEN GROWTH IN CONDITIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (173), 59-64.