Keywords: trading business, trading platform, show room, delivery point/supply, pop-up


With courses on volatility and flexibility as complementary categories, modern trade has led to several innovative models of trade entrepreneurship. These types of models are oriented towards specific basic elements and combinations of them, among them: trading platforms, temporary trading centers, support systems. These elements form the entrepreneur’s schemes for providing services to clients before, during, and after the exchange of goods for innovative types of variable (or flexible) business models. These models are new in trade, especially the novelty is characteristic for the variables and flexible trading platforms of their cells, among them pop-up, showroom, outlets/delivery points. The specific formation and operation of trade points also need to be tested. The article analyzes innovative types of models of variable or flexible trade entrepreneurship, in particular: the specificities of trade points in business innovation models are highlighted; the specificities of their trading platforms and support systems are highlighted. Following the peculiarities and available schemes of the entrepreneur in providing services to clients before, during, and after the exchange, we state that the model of variable and flexible trade entrepreneurship is formed only with this combination of trading platforms, Trade points, and their support systems, providing: Under the peculiarities and available schemes of the entrepreneur in providing services to clients before, during and after the exchange, we state that the model of variable and flexible trade entrepreneurship is formed only with this combination of trading platforms, trade points, and their support systems, providing: Flexibility of the trading platform, in terms of timing, location, cost management; maximum latitude, flexibility (variability) of the trade choice (that is highly specialized) personalization of the entrepreneur’s scheme of providing services to clients before, during and after the exchange, sometimes the customization of a sentence. Further prospects in this direction lie in specifying the factors for increasing the efficiency of trade entrepreneurship in Ukraine through variable (flexible) models.


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How to Cite
Korolovych, O., & Ponevach, A. (2021). ANALYSIS OF INNOVATIVE TYPES OF VOLATILITY (FLEXIBLE) TRADE ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economic Scope, (173), 32-35.