• Igor Kryvovyazyuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: institutional mechanism, aviation transport of Ukraine, passenger turnover, cargo turnover, mechanisms of aviation transportation development, development strategy, COVID-19


An important scientific task is solved in this article that is it improved the institutional mechanism and clarified the strategy for the development of aviation transport of Ukraine in the conditions of the spread of COVID-19. It is established that before the development of the pandemic in the world (2015-2019), the analysis of the dynamism of performance and development of aviation transport of Ukraine revealed an increase in capital investment in the industry and, at the same time, reduction of staff and sharp passenger turnover reductions in the end of researched period. It is detected that the complication of the epidemiological situation on the Ukrainian territory in 2020 led to a decline in demand for aviation transportation and a decrease in commercial load of flights, caused the concentration of passenger and cargo flows in 6 major airports of Ukraine (Kyiv (Boryspil), Lviv, Kyiv (Zhulyany), Odessa, Kharkiv and Zaporizhia). It is proposed to build the institutional mechanism of aviation transport development in the conditions of the spread of COVID-19 taking into account improvement of basic institutions (development of regulatory and legal support of transport industry, implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms, specification of contractual interaction of industry entities), market institutions (search for new directions of infrastructure development, restriction of monopolistic forms of manifestation of behaviour of industry entities, improvement of pricing mechanism and tariff conditions), social institutions (strengthening social responsibility to society, control over passengers movement, development of social partnership), institutions of financial and economic regulation (improving the credit system and strengthening state financial support) on the principles of adaptability, predicting change, efficiency and competitiveness. At the present stage, in order to overcome all the difficulties of the coronavirus period, the aviation transport industry should use a survival strategy that will maintain the most efficient aircraft fleet, save on aircraft maintenance, preserve infrastructure, will ensure the reorientation of aircraft flights, and use them for urgent cargo transportation.


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