• O. Danylenko Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Yu. Troyan Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: personnel, personnel audit, personnel audit procedures, personnel audit stages, personnel management efficiency


The tasks in this article were to study the actual practices of personnel audits in
Ukrainian organizations (companies) with identifying their shortcomings and
developing recommendations based on them for HR departments and managers in the
organization. As a tool for collecting information, a sociological survey was conducted
using questionnaires from experts (mainly executives and key personnel in management
and personnel management) from March to April 2019. According to the analyzed
experts' answers, it was revealed that the practice of the personnel audit is gaining more
and more "popularity" in domestic organizations, and staff audit becomes the necessary
part of the development and the choice of their strategies in organizations. A large
variety of directions, tasks, and indicators used to the personnel audit were recorded, as
well as the results of the audit work carried out by management in accordance with the
needs and objectives of the organization's development and the personnel management
therein. The following main disadvantages were identified in the practices of personnel
audits in Ukrainian organizations that were implemented: full ignorance in some of them
of knowledge about the nature and purpose of the personnel audit; different
understanding of the essence of the personnel audit, his individual interpretation in
organizations depending on their own goals; the belief in some organizations that
personnel audits are not a necessary practice; incomplete use of all personnel audit
capabilities; the use of the personnel audits to address only a few practical tasks with
"ignoring" its diverse capabilities; the presence of a significant proportion of
organizations in which personnel audits are carried out every 5 years or at all on demand;
ack of practical application of the personnel audit to improve the personnel management
effectiveness; application of a limited range of indicators during its conduct;
insignificant use of indicators such as: the remuneration efficiency, the use of working
time and its losses, social aspects of work, the work of the service personnel; a small
percentage of the application of the approach of compliance during the conduct, etc.
Based on the revealed shortcomings, the authors created recommendations for HR departments and managers in companies to improve the practice of introducing
personnel audits in Ukrainian organizations, concluding that it is necessary to introduce
practices of personnel audits for each modern organization and the positive prospects
for its dissemination in Ukraine. The practical significance of the article is the possibility
of using the processed results of sociological research in the following areas:
dissemination of the personnel audit experience, improvement of its planning,
implementation and use of opportunities and results in Ukrainian organizations in order
to improve the personnel management efficiency.


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How to Cite
Danylenko, O., & Troyan, Y. (2019). PERSONNAL AUDIT: EXPERIENCE OF UKRAINIAN ORGANIZATIONS. Economic Scope, (144), 138-155. Retrieved from