• O. Gaponiuk Mariupol State University
  • D. Charkina Mariupol State University
Keywords: competition, competitiveness, sea transport enterprises, economic mechanism


The present state of maritime transport has been studied, the dynamics and prospects of its development have been determined, the main advantages of the maritime industry have been presented in the article. Different economic methods have been used. Thus, it has been stressed that globalization processes, characterizing the current state of the world economy development, intensify interstate economic ties, greatly enhancing the role of transport, maritime one in particular as it is a mainstay of globalization due to long water area dividing main economic region of the world. It has been stated that maritime transport is a central element of international transport networks, which serve value chains and international trade. Accordingly, this industry should constantly increase its competitive advantages for further growth of the overall level of national economy competitiveness. Maritime transport enterprises are deemed one of the key constituents of country`s transport system since it accounts for the largest part of cargo turnover in international transportation, as water transport, marine one, in particular, plays an important role in ensuring the integration of countries into the world economy. The analysis and proofs that the phenomena of competition and competitive advantages are key development factors of marine enterprises, set to build up steadily their competitive advantages for further growth of the overall level of national economy competitiveness have been provided. It was also determined that one of the most important factors that is the key to the high level of competitiveness of modern maritime transport is the port economy, which determines the need for measures to increase the competitiveness of seaports. Thus, considerable attention has been paid to the main directions of increasing the competitiveness of the state’s port industry. The range of evaluation issues of competitiveness ensuring mechanisms of port enterprises from the viewpoint of the following approaches: process approach, marketing approach and cluster approach have been defined in this article by the authors.


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How to Cite
Gaponiuk, O., & Charkina, D. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF THE EFFICIENT COMPETITIVENESS MECHANISM FOR MARITIME TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (144), 125-137. Retrieved from