Keywords: e-commerce, analysis of e-commerce development indicators, online store, promotion, advertising methods, economic efficiency


High development of computer, information systems and telecommunication technologies has led to the formation of a new type of economic activity, namely - e-business, which is any business activity that uses the capabilities of global information networks to transform internal and external communications in order to further profit. The development of e-commerce is in two directions: increasing the number of Internet users, who are interested in buying goods and increasing the number of online stores, introducing secure online payment methods, reducing the cost of delivery, increasing speed and quality of service. Today, the global e-commerce market is one of the most dynamic and steadily growing markets. The growth of global retail Internet trade over the past three years was 6%. According to forecasts, taking into account the current trends of the global pandemic in 2023, the share of global retail Internet trade will increase to 22,1% and will be significantly ahead of the growth rate of retail trade. In Ukraine, the turnover of online shopping in 2020 increased by 41% and amounted to 107 billion UAH. Experts attribute this to the increase in the share of Internet penetration in Ukraine and the number of Internet users. Also, e-commerce is especially relevant because it allows you to fully present your business on the Internet, to tell the maximum about products and services to consumers, develop a brand, personal brand, as well as track the actions of visitors, thus analyzing efficiency and taking corrective action. To promote the online store on the example of «Swiss Energy», a program was developed using several methods of advertising: organizing a lottery, creating a layout of coupons and their electronic distribution to customers; creation and distribution of a presentation - a catalog of new products; distribution of leaflets to inform potential buyers; outdoor advertising. The expediency of the developed advertising activities is confirmed by the following data: the number of buyers for the week increased by 37%; the average cost of a check increased by 27%; the number of site pages viewed by visitors increased from 8 to 14.


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How to Cite
Orlova, V., & Bushmakiu, O. (2021). PROMOTION OF THE ONLINE STORE BY ADVERTISING METHODS. Economic Scope, (170), 69-74.