• O. Androsova National University «Zaporizhia Polytechnic»
Keywords: corporate culture, strategy, property status, index, capital stock, average value of fixed assets, currency of balance, asset, liability


The indicators of property status of mechanical engineering enterprises have been analyzed int this article. In order to determine the effectiveness of corporate culture management at the machine-building enterprises, it is necessary to analyze the indicators of property status. It has been determined that the property of machine building enterprises can be used in internal circulation or outside of it - directed to repay the receivables invested in securities or involved in the turnover of other enterprises in the form of investment income. The indicators of the property status have been distinguished and analyzed: balance currency, average value of fixed assets, capital assets and return on capital assets, fixed assets in assets, depreciation factor of fixed assets, factor renewal of fixed assets, factor of asset mobility. It has been revealed that the volume of activity of the enterprises of mechanical engineering, liquidity and solvency depends on their size and size. It has been proved that stable financial and market position of the enterprises of mechanical engineering is the best indicator of a well-developed and competently implemented strategy. It was determined that the indicators of the property status affect the size of the profit of the enterprises of mechanical engineering, credit rating, reputation and image of enterprises, quality of products, the level of prices for products, motivation of work and the morale of the staff, the status and efficiency of corporate culture. It has been revealed that there is a tendency in the machine-building enterprises to reduce the currency of the balance sheet, the coefficient of average value of fixed assets, decrease of the coefficient of capital assets, increase of physical depreciation of fixed assets, outflow of labor force, decrease of the coefficient of mobility of assets, which negatively affects the state of corporate culture in the analyzed enterprises. Managing corporate culture is effective only in the case of a well-developed strategy of corporate culture, which contributes to increasing the chances of success for machine-building enterprises. Financial indicators of property status are increasing, and workers consider this enterprise the best place for their work.


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How to Cite
Androsova, O. (2019). EVALUATION OF DYNAMICS OF CHANGES IN LOAD INDICATORS AND MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATE CULTURE OF MACHINE BUILDING ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (144), 116-124. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/90