Keywords: content of work, nature of work, sustainable economic development, innovations, the latest information and communication environment, intellectualization and creative characteristics of work


The article is devoted to the definition of approaches to the analysis of changes in the content and nature of work, which occur in the current stage of post-industrial society and are determined by the implementation of areas within the concept of sustainable economic development. The starting point of the study was the use of the method of scientific abstraction in the analysis of labor, on the basis of which it is shown the expediency at the theoretical level to consider human economic activity in the perspective of two aspects. This approach made it possible to clearly distinguish between the concepts of "content" and "nature" of work. Show that the set of labor functions and operations, which are derived from the technical basis of production, technical-technological and organizational-economic relations, form the inner essence of the content of labor. And socio-economic relations between people by their participation in production processes, which are primarily determined by property relations, act as an economic category and determine the external form of labor, ie its nature. It is established that between these characteristics of labor there is always, under each specific conditions of development of social production, a close connection and interaction, which necessitates the simultaneous, comprehensive study of their essence. The paper presents a historical view of the analysis of the content and nature of work by scientists of the Soviet period, which was carried out within the formational approach and aimed at substantiating the advantages of the socialist nature of work over capitalist. To achieve this task, the results of the assessment of the content of labor were set aside, detached from the nature of labor, because the technical and technological basis of production in the countries of the socialist camp lagged far behind that formed in developed capitalist countries. Based on the realities of today, considerable attention in the article is paid to the impact of innovation and information and communication technologies on the content and nature of industrial labor. Particular attention is paid to the study of the processes of intensifying the use of intellectual resources of employees, strengthening the creative nature of work, increasing the focus of man on the need for constant replenishment of knowledge, finding them an applied nature.


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How to Cite
Ulyanova, L., & Chaika, Y. (2021). ON APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF CHANGES IN THE CONTENT AND NATURE OF WORK IN CONDITIONS OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (170), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/170-2