Keywords: terrorism, terrorist activity, prevention and counteraction to terrorist financing, properties of terrorism, state security


The problem of terrorism as a threat to national security has interested many scientists in various fields. However, research does not have an unambiguous and sound approach to building a comprehensive and systematic classification of terrorism for public administration to prevent and combat economic crime.. An important role in the scientific search for the identification and systematization of the properties of the object of public administration is the process of classification. Accordingly, the classification of terrorism will reveal its properties, and accordingly determine the areas of prevention and counteraction to its financing. In the context of research, terrorism as a threat to national security means the action or activity of terrorist organizations that use violent methods and threats, resulting in risks to national interests, economic stability, social consensus, territorial integrity, state sovereignty. The article systematizes the classification of approaches to types of terrorism based on the study of scientific literature of legal, political, social and economic areas. The authors have identified the following problems when considering the approaches of scientists on the topic of the study: first, the selection on one basis of different types of terrorism, differing in composition and content; secondly, the classification of terrorism on different grounds of the same type; third, the lack of a clear delineation of the properties of terrorism within a single feature. The article highlights the properties of terrorism based on a critical analysis of the types of classifications of terrorism. The following properties of terrorism are singled out: the scope of terrorism, subjective properties, the political orientation of terrorism, object component of terrorism, geographical properties of terrorism, motivational properties of terrorism, the form of terrorism, the purpose of terrorism, methods of terrorism. The study is the basis for further substantiation of the innovative approach to the formation of the classification of terrorism from the standpoint of the formation of mechanisms of public administration in the field of prevention and combating economic crime.


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How to Cite
Yevdokymov, V., Suprunova, I., & Lysak, S. (2021). IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF TERRORISM AS A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY. Economic Scope, (169), 7-12.