Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption policy of the state, development of corruption, public administration, anti-corruption, historical conditions of corruption development


The article considers the historical aspects of the development of corruption from ancient times to the present. The study analyzed the existing views of various thinkers on this negative phenomenon. The study found that the analysis of corruption as a negative social phenomenon is not possible without a study of its historical past, the accumulation of knowledge to understand the preconditions for its emergence and spread in a given area. The study of historical aspects of the development of corruption contributes to a more objective adaptation to change and helps to more accurately predict the fight against this phenomenon in the future. During the analysis of historical aspects of anti-corruption policy development, they tried to investigate the main origins of this non-agent phenomenon, its evolution, the nature of its origin, because the study of historical experience will contribute to positive changes in today's conditions. The study found that all mentions of corruption as a negative socio-economic, political, legal and moral phenomenon that arises as a result of inefficient use of civil servants. The writing of the article is based on the hypothesis that the historical aspects of the development of anti-corruption policy need to be deepened and objectively assess the connection between the past and the present, predicting the future. The evolution of corruption is an integral part of the evolution of countries, which has contributed to the transformation of bribery into a system of complex phenomena, not only local but also global. The study of genesis, its scientific understanding through the historical aspects of development in society will contribute to the formation of objective conclusions, avoiding the existing mistakes of the previous generation, through the use of experience. The study of historical aspects of anti-corruption policy is relevant due to the urgent need to identify and improve modern mechanisms to prevent the emergence and spread of this complex negative social phenomenon, given its complex and long history of development, which has some differences in different countries but has the same social-political and economic consequences.


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How to Cite
Naumchuk, K., & Trosteniuk, T. (2021). HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (168), 11-16. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/168-2