Keywords: household, security, financial security, risk, self-insurance


The main purpose of the work is to reveal the content of financial security of households, to determine the main areas of financial security of households. Today, the priority of economic development of any state, including Ukraine, is to ensure high financial security of the state, which, in turn, is one of the main components of national security of Ukraine. In the country's financial security system at the micro level, the basic component is the financial security of the household. The proper functioning of the financial security system is complicated by a number of problems, among which are: low household incomes, high unemployment and poverty, shadowing of the economy. The lack of a comprehensive approach to the study of financial security of households, the objective need for research in this area, the relevance of the issue and its practical significance determine the choice of research topic. Scientific publications of leading domestic scientists have become methodological and informational. Methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, system approach, abstraction and grouping were used during the research. The article examines the essence of the concept of "financial security of the household" in the financial security of the state. The object and subjects of financial security of the household are defined. It is proved that today the problem of ensuring the financial security of households has become extremely relevant. This fact is closely related to the globalization of the economy and integration processes that contribute to changing the welfare of households. The paper notes that the financial security of households has its own specific features. Three main functions of the system of ensuring the financial security of the household (preventive, prognostic and managerial) are described. There are five main areas of financial security of households, namely: increasing household income, balancing household income and expenditure, using self-insurance, insurance using the capabilities of insurance companies and legal protection of households. The article also lists the forms of ensuring the financial security of households.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, V., & Matsedonska, N. (2021). THE ESSENCE OF FINANCIAL SECURITY OF HOUSEHOLDS AND DIRECTIONS OF ITS PROVISION. Economic Scope, (167), 111-114.