• Lyudmila Bukharina Zaporizhia National University
  • Timur Biruykov Zaporizhia National University
Keywords: agro-logistics, agro-industrial holdings, buisness processes, production, logistics potential


The article considers the reasons for the emergence of agricultural industrial holdings in Ukraine, examines the theoretical foundations of the national agricultural industrial holdings logistics system, identifies the links of logistics with other business processes of the holding, in particular with production processes. The article explores the main methods and the main indicators of logistics potential evaluation system of the agro-industrial holding and it also assesses the current state, main problems, and prospects of agro-logistics development in Ukraine. During the research the main components of agro-logistics of national agro-traders were investigated, the logistic component in the cost of national agro-industrial sector final production was determined. The article aims are to study the theoretical foundations of the logistics system in agro-industrial holding structures, to assess the current state and prospects of agro-logistics in Ukraine, as well as to explore the main methods of assessing the logistics potential of Ukrainian agricultural holdings. Agricultural holdings have absorbed almost 40% of the total Ukrainian agricultural enterprises number and 38% of the agricultural land area cultivated by various agro enterprises. Today logistics is one of the most important factors in achieving a leading position in agribusiness, the implementation mechanism of which is a logistics model. Based on the theoretical material, the existing logistics model of a modern agricultural holding and methods for determining its efficiency were analyzed. Thus, in order to determine the overall logistics potential of a modern agro-industrial holding, it is necessary to calculate the efficiency assessments amount of it’s individual components – logistics network configuration and it’s capacity, organizational structure of the holding's logistics system, quality of logistics services, raw materials and finished products management system. providing logistics flows.


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How to Cite
Bukharina, L., & Biruykov, T. (2021). LOGISTICS APPROACH IN THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF AGROHOLDINGS. Economic Scope, (165), 53-58. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/165-9