Keywords: tourism, tourist market, regional market, innovations, innovative activity, innovative measures


Ensuring the stability of competitive positions of enterprises is a reflection of the degree of application of innovative measures. The continuous functioning of business structures depends to a large extent on the use of innovations, such as crisis management and market survival strategies. Innovative phenomena that take place in tourism not only affect tourism entities, but also affect the infrastructure. Forming such a synergetic effect, tourism innovations constantly cause a theoretical and practical interest of practitioners and theorists. The purpose of the study is to determine the most optimal areas of practical implementation of innovative measures in regional tourism markets. The article explores a wide range of different scientific views on innovations in the field of tourism services and tourism in general. It is determined that there are certain difficulties and inaccuracies in the subjectivity of the conceptual and categorical apparatus, namely «innovation in tourism». It is determined that for the implementation of innovative products in tourism is influenced by a number of factors, including: social status of the population, the economic situation of the country, the regulatory framework; various international and intergovernmental agreements. The following types of innovations are distinguished according to their content in the field of tourism: product innovations; technical innovations; marketing innovations; service innovations. It is determined that regional development should be implemented by introducing an innovation and investment model based on growth of scientific, technological and human potential, increasing the region's competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets, and agreements will be an important tool to stimulate regional development. In addition, the innovativeness of measures for regional development determines the generalized energy and resource-saving technologies for various spheres, as an important element of the region's competitiveness. Activation of information, management, communication, technological solutions will help increase investment opportunities in the region.


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How to Cite
Ohiienko, M., Sarkisyan, A., & Lyubarov, Y. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL TOURIST MARKETS THROUGH INTRODUCTION OF INNOVATIONS. Economic Scope, (164), 152-159.