• V.G. Prushkivskyi National University «Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic»
  • V.A. Litovka National University «Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic»
Keywords: corporate culture, corporate social responsibility, socially responsible organization, values, corporate social initiatives, innovative culture, sustainable innovative development, metallurgical enterprises


The peculiarities of the corporate culture formation of socially responsible metallurgical enterprises are depicted and the scientific and practical recommendations for their management in terms of sustainable innovation are developed in the article. The authors consider the views of scholars on the nature and structure of corporate culture. Norms and values are the most important elements of any organization. It is important to divide the values according to the degree of their acceptance in the organization for the company's corporate culture management: publicly recognized (proclaimed, mastered, supported), actual and desired values. The company's corporate culture is as a complex dynamic hierarchical system consisting of formal (mission, vision, values embodied in the company's practice) and informal (social relationships, role models, rituals, important stories in the company) components that change under the influence of the internal and external environment of the company. This system is closely linked to corporate social responsibility. A corporate culture, which does not have the values of social responsibility and is not aimed at stimulating technological, marketing, social or managerial innovations, cannot achieve sustainable positive social dynamics. The authors have analysed the corporate social responsibility, elements of corporate culture and strategic development of metallurgical enterprises of the METINVEST Group. In recent years, the main efforts of companies have been focused on environmental goals of sustainable development, namely the modernization of enterprises. In order to achieve sustainable innovation and implementation of safety values and care for the environment, metallurgical enterprises need to develop an innovative culture, including stimulating the development of sustainable innovation and innovators among staff, strengthen the implementation of a set of programs that promote modernization in production and environmental aspects, projects aimed at improving the overall environmental situation and raising living standards in the cities of presence.


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How to Cite
Prushkivskyi, V., & Litovka, V. (2020). CORPORATE CULTURE OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE METALLURGICAL ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (164), 106-111.