Keywords: restaurant enterprises, intellectual and personnel support, innovations, customer-oriented management, competitivenes


The purpose of the study was to substantiate the means of forming intellectual and personnel support of innovative customer- oriented restaurant enterprises. The urgency of this task has increased at the present stage of development of economic relations and competition, especially in the restaurant business sector, as the orientation of all business processes of enterprises to generate income and profit to meet the needs of customers; such direction as designing, modeling and development of inquiries of the consumer develops; the competitiveness of the restaurant business is increasingly determined by customer orientation. In the course of the research scientific methods of strategic management (for formation of bases of structuring of the purposes of improvement of intellectual and personnel maintenance of innovative client-oriented enterprises of restaurant economy) and system approach (at substantiation of priorities and tools of improvement of intellectual and personnel support of innovative client-oriented enterprises of restaurant business) are applied. The relevance and means of formation of intellectual and personnel support of innovative client-oriented enterprises of restaurant economy are substantiated. Further scientific research in this direction concerns the substantiation of economic and mathematical models in the field of customer management. The practical significance of the results of the study is to increase the customer base of loyal consumers and strengthen the competitiveness of the restaurant business, which also has a significant social effect in meeting the needs of consumers in restaurant services.


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