Keywords: sustainable economic development, global risks, the concept of the New Norm, the concept of reindustrialization, the concept of , the concept of inclusive development, extractive institutions, inclusive institutions


An analysis of the features of the inclusion of the paradigm of sustainable development has been done in the institutional matrix of Ukraine's economy based on the study of global trends and global risks in combination with determining the current state of development of the national economy, the nature of its dominant institutions. The hypothesis of the greatest suitability is put forward of the concept of inclusive development for the inclusion of a system of principles of the paradigm of sustainable development in the national doctrine of increasing the country's competitiveness in the international market. There are two components of inclusive development - process and goal-oriented. The goal is to reduce poverty and inequality as a result of the process of its broad participation in decision-making and production activities based on ensuring equal opportunities for actors to realize human potential, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, territorial affiliation, religion. Based on the use of methodological principles of neo-institutional theory (theories of D. North, as well as D. Adzhimuglu and J. Robinson), the role of extractive institutions in the processes of economic system development is revealed. The extractive institutions are classified as systemforming elements in the national economy of Ukraine and the management system itself as "restricted access procedures". The latter is based on restricting access to economic and political resources, which determines the nature of distribution processes. A historical digression on the formation and development of extractive institutions in Ukraine has been done. Ways to reform the institutional matrix of the domestic model are proposed, namely the introduction of the following conceptual changes: the formation of effective institutions of property rights specification, reducing the share of extractive institutions by breaking the mechanism of rent motivation, increasing the efficiency of transplantation of institutions based on blocking their functioning, balance of interests of economic entities.


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How to Cite
Kozak, K. (2020). FEATURES OF INCLUSION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INTO UKRAINE’S ECONOMY. Economic Scope, (164), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/164-7