• Andrey Ziuzia Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: intellectual potential, intellectual capital, intellectual resources, intellectual property, evaluation of intellectual potential, business entities, national economy


The dependence of competitiveness of Ukraine and its economic system on the formation and effective use of the intellectual potential of economic entities at the stage of information and digital society has been considered. The process of the formation, use and management of intellectual potential has been presented, in which the evaluation of the intellectual potential of enterprises is considered as an important factor of increasing the efficiency of the intellectual potential of the national economy. The special role and significance of the intellectual potential for the development of modern enterprises in the period of crisis for the national economy during the COVID-19 pandemic have been determined. Theoretical and methodological aspects of its evaluation have been studied and the methodological principles of assessing the value of intellectual property as the most important structural component of the IP have been considered. The theoretical and methodological task of revealing the essence of intellectual capital as an economic category, features of its structural components, as elements of a comprehensive assessment of intellectual potential as well as their relationship with intellectual capital and intellectual resources have been considered. Particular emphasis has been placed on the most important structural component of intellectual capital and intellectual potential of economic entities – objects of intellectual property rights and peculiarities of their evaluation principles of the intellectual potential of enterprises. In order to solve these important tasks, the system approach and such methods of analysis as generalization and analogy have been used. It has been proved that in order to create sustainable competitive advantages that depend primarily on the effectiveness of intellectual potential of economic entities, an important component of development strategy should be the implementation of mechanisms for evaluating intellectual potential, which will have a significant impact on the national economy at the current stage of the development of society.


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How to Cite
Ziuzia, A. (2020). EVALUATION OF INTELLECTUAL POTENTIAL: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT. Economic Scope, (164), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/164-6