• N. Yevtushenko State university of telecommunications
Keywords: structure, capital, intellectual capital, company potential, management system, consulting company


The different views of foreign and domestic scientists regarding the content of the economic category "intellectual capital" within the enterprise have been analyzed in this article. Submitted by author's definition of the concept “intellectual capital of a consulting company" as a set of knowledge of human capital and own intellectual information of a consulting company, which can be converted into value by socio-economic results in order to generate a steady income and create unique competitive advantages in accordance with the standard of consulting services. Content characteristics of the concept of "intellectual capital" suggests that in the course of performing functional tasks, the human capital of a consulting company provides the process of building its potential, produced by taking into account the structural components of intellectual capital. The structure of the intellectual capital of the enterprise from various points of view of foreign and domestic researchers has been outlined. Taking into account the specifics of the consulting company, the main structural components of intellectual capital in the management system of its potential: "human capital", "structural capital", "interaction capital", and their essential characteristics have been given. Components identified that the main structural element of the intellectual capital of a consulting company is “human capital”, which is based on a system of hereditary, physical, intellectual knowledge. The need of accounting in the structure of the intellectual capital of a consulting company as an important management tool - corporate culture, which is implemented in the company management system as an organizational model of corporate culture through a culture of knowledge, organizational culture and a learning culture has been proven. Own view on the management system of the potential of the consulting company in the mechanism of consulting interaction taking into account the built structure of intellectual capital in order to constantly update the knowledge of consultants in accordance with the logical-structural scheme of formation of resources of the consulting company on development strategies has been formed.


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