Keywords: institutes, institutional design, national innovation system, norms, rules


In modern conditions, the basis of the transition of the Ukrainian economy to an innovative type of development is the construction of an effective national innovation system (NIS). Trends in the main indicators of the country's innovation activity indicate that the existing national innovation system does not fully contribute to the effective innovation development of the country. In light of the above, the topic of the article, aimed at finding, forming methodological foundations for the transformation of NIS, its institutional component, the design of institutions, is relevant in theoretical and applied aspects. The content of the concepts "structural and institutional transformation of the national innovation system" and "institutional design" are revealed in the work. Structural and institutional transformation of the national innovation system involves a continuous process of qualitative transformation of the system due to institutional changes. The formation and consolidation of norms and rules of interaction between economic agents can occur in the process of their evolution or as a result of purposeful activity. One of the tools of this transformation is institutional design, as a special type of activity aimed at constructing formal norms and rules of interaction between economic agents, the relevant mechanisms of coercion. The process of consolidating the inefficiency of the NIS of Ukraine is outlined. This brings us back to the issue of institutional design and its proper application in the process of structural and institutional transformation of the NIS of Ukraine. Stages of institutional design are singled out: analysis of the institutional environment of innovation activity (institutional component of NIS); formulation of the problem, goals and objectives; institutional project development; implementation of the institutional project, its adjustment and monitoring of the functioning of the institutional environment. Institutional design is disclosed as a continuous activity. The necessity of balanced application of this tool in the conditions of Ukraine is outlined.


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